BIOSes for Zida Tomato motherboards

60 PDF datasheets for Zida Tomato motherboards

Below you will find a large number of technical manuals for Zida Tomato motherboards. Most of them were preserved from the time these motherboards were commonly sold. Others are then downloaded from the public Internet in various ways. If you find the list below too large, check out the short version without breaking it by processor socket.

Zida Tomato motherboards for Socket 478

Zida Tomato motherboards for Socket A

    Manuals and other technical documentation for Zida Tomato motherboards for Socket A:

  • PG133
  • PM133

Zida Tomato motherboards for Socket 370

Zida Tomato motherboards for Slot 1 / Socket 370

    Manuals and other technical documentation for Zida Tomato motherboards for Slot 1 / Socket 370:

  • Instant810C-SE
  • T810B-SE

Zida Tomato motherboards for Slot 1

Zida Tomato motherboards for Socket 8

    Manuals and other technical documentation for Zida Tomato motherboards for Socket 8:

  • 6DXP

Zida Tomato motherboards for Socket 7

Zida Tomato motherboards for Socket 3

    Manuals and other technical documentation for Zida Tomato motherboards for Socket 3:

  • 4DPS

Latest Zida Tomato BIOSes

Motherboard Version Date Downloads
P845SD 1.50 2002-11-11 67×
A815EU 1.20 2002-06-22 69×
A845SD 1.40 2002-06-11 72×
P845GL 1.31 2002-06-06 68×
A845DD 1.07 2002-05-18 71×

TOP5 downloaded BIOSes

Motherboard Version Date Downloads
4DPS 4.01e 1998-12-01 491×
4DPS 1.72 1997-07-08 384×
4DPS 1.40 1995-11-23 255×
A845DD 1.02 2001-12-11 250×
TX98-3D 1.16m 2001-01-01 248×

TOP5 PDF Zida datasheets

Version Date Downloads
5SVA r1.6 1998-07-03 1023×
4DPS r2.00 1997-10-15 498×
4DPS r2.10 1998-01-01 490×
ZX98-CT r1.00 1999-04-22 489×
TX98-3D r1.01 1998-07-30 463×

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