BIOSes for Zida Tomato motherboards

BIOSes for Zida Tomato ZX98-CU

Below is a list of all available BIOS for the Zida ZX98-CU motherboard. Depending on the BIOS type, it is necessary to choose a suitable flashing program. All files were historically obtained either directly from the manufacturer or from public sources on the Internet. The manufacturer Zida Technologies has not existed for a long time and therefore only a small community of enthusiasts maintains this list. Please excuse any mistakes or unfinished works.



Size: 157,42 KB
Release: 2000-06-01 [June '00]
Downloaded: 96×

BIOS file / BIOS-Datei / Файл BIOS / Archivo BIOS / BIOS dosyası / BIOS文件

  • BIOS File name:
  • BIOS ID: AMI CRBX028   (ID list)
  • Added support for the Celeron 533A processor up to 600/66 MHz.
    Add support for the Pentium III 600, 650 and 700/100 MHz.
    The BIOS is detected as:
    BIOS Tag 1: ZX98-CU ver 1.12 (000601)
    BIOS Tag 2: 61-0428-008031-00111111-071595-440BX-CRBX028
Download BIOS ZX98-CU


Size: 155,97 KB
Release: 2000-07-22 [July '00]
Downloaded: 84×

BIOS file / BIOS-Datei / Файл BIOS / Archivo BIOS / BIOS dosyası / BIOS文件

  • BIOS File name:
  • BIOS ID: AMI CRBX029   (ID list)
  • Add support for VIA Cyrix III (detected as VIA Samuel)
    The BIOS is detected as:
    BIOS Tag 1: ZX98-CU Ver 1.14 (000722)
    BIOS Tag 2: 61-0429-008031-00111111-071595-440BX-CRBX029
Download BIOS ZX98-CU


Size: 158,86 KB
Release: 2000-10-17 [October '00]
Downloaded: 121×

BIOS file / BIOS-Datei / Файл BIOS / Archivo BIOS / BIOS dosyası / BIOS文件

  • BIOS File name:
  • BIOS ID: AMI CRBX034   (ID list)
  • Add support for Celeron: 633/66 to 766/66
    Add support for Celeron: 800/100 to 900/100
    Add support for PIII 750, 800 and 850 MHz
    Add support for VIA Cyrix III 500, 533, 550 and 600 MHz
    Fixed display error with Celeron II 633, 667 and Pentium III 800E
    The BIOS is detected as:
    BIOS Tag 1: ZX98-CU Ver 1.17 (001017)
    BIOS Tag 2: 61-0434-008031-00111111-071595-440BX-CRBX034
Download BIOS ZX98-CU

Latest Zida Tomato BIOSes

Motherboard Version Date Downloads
P845SD 1.50 2002-11-11 67×
A815EU 1.20 2002-06-22 69×
A845SD 1.40 2002-06-11 72×
P845GL 1.31 2002-06-06 68×
A845DD 1.07 2002-05-18 71×

TOP5 downloaded BIOSes

Motherboard Version Date Downloads
4DPS 4.01e 1998-12-01 491×
4DPS 1.72 1997-07-08 384×
4DPS 1.40 1995-11-23 255×
A845DD 1.02 2001-12-11 250×
TX98-3D 1.16m 2001-01-01 248×

TOP5 PDF Zida datasheets

Version Date Downloads
5SVA r1.6 1998-07-03 1023×
4DPS r2.00 1997-10-15 498×
4DPS r2.10 1998-01-01 490×
ZX98-CT r1.00 1999-04-22 489×
TX98-3D r1.01 1998-07-30 463×

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